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Thursday, November 8, 2012

but remember you have to be precise to the point

4 Steps to Personal Power by Kai Jumat
Hi, my name is Kai Jumat and I will like to personally thank you for investing your time reading this article. What you are about to learn are not rocket science nor things you already have not heard of!
In fact you have the personal power within you! I'm here to help you awaken that giant within you,I must have ran into her at least twenty times during my year-and-a- quarter of living here,5803 Ugg Bailey Button Grey Boots.
So quickly I'm going to unravel the 4 basic steps to personal power.
This are very small concise baby steps. You may wonder why the magic number 4? Does it matter? The truth is the more concise the package is, the more detailed I get into and the more precise to the point which I am going to deliver are what really matter most.
First step: You need to know exactly what you want,or complete a final version of my chemistry paper. Some people often make the biggest mistake in their lives by working so hard in their lives and get so distracted by minor things in life that they often forget what they are fighting for or what benefits to be reap from all those hard work. If you are reading this, chances are you want to change your life for the better. You may have an idea of what kind of life you desire, but remember you have to be precise to the point! A million dollar plan is different from a mere $1000 a month plan. You know that! But why is it that most people still ignore the fact that they need to know what they want,workshops?
Most people get frustrated and shoot their anger at people around them, the very same people they worked hard to bring forth happiness for, and often at times they don't know what causes this frustrations. Scientist call it mid life crisis but you and me know that its can't be true as most young adults in their 20s are already pondering and wondering what they heck went wrong in their lives.
So yes you have to be specific in your goal setting! Best still, say it out loud so that you can hear it. Make sure your brain can hear it. When it sinks down subconciously, you have nailed it to your brain saying that you aren't satisfied with your current life and you want more out of yourself.
Second step you have to make, may seem a little obvious but alot of people stop here and in fact 99% of people fail to find happiness because they fail to go through this stage. It is called "Taking Massive Action!" You heard that right! Why is it that people procrastinate to start taking action. In their minds they conceived that beautiful car but what's bothering them is the fear of failure. It isn't so much of laziness or lack of desire that set most people to the path of inactivity, its fear of failure. What's troubling in this society is that people fear the thought of that failure rather than that failure. Might sound a little cliche, but there's truth in it. Almost a 100% of the time, most people that fail in and get back up don't feel any much fear as compared to those that don't take action. You may laugh saying what the risk of failure right? But that's how most people react. They don't do anything and that's complete failure.
Thirdly, you need a plan of actions. You can't possibly just go about doing things and hope it will be alright. Hell yea! Pardon the language. Let me assure you when things seemed smooth sailing Murphy will come down looking for you. If you still don't know who he is, you might not like him. Murphy law states that whatever that can go wrong will go wrong at the worst possible time.
In that plan you should have concrete steps and flexibility mixed into it. Remember those that survives the tide of time are often those that are flexible to change.
The last step is basically taking any failure as feedback and keep on working till you succeed.
Any setbacks or minor failures can be demoralising, but remember to keep at it. I don't want you to psyche yourself up or repeat some self affirmation that you can do it. Only you yourself know that deep inside only you can help yourself get back up again. Try to realise the true reason you even began to want to achieve your goal.
OK, so you got this far but from my personal experience I realised that its always easier to replicate success if you have a role model to look up to or mimic. Since we were young or kids we mimicked adults to learn how to behave socially or act in situations. So try to look up or mimic those who are already successful in the particular field or goal you are seeking after.
In closing, remember success is not determined by the amount of failure or setbacks but how you bounce back from the lowest point of your life time and time again without losing enthusiasm.
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Thanks once again!

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